How To Evaluate Forex Robot Providers And Developers

Forex robot providers and developers are responsible for creating automated trading software that forex traders can purchase to trade the forex market. Evaluating these providers/developers is vital before buying their forex robot for trading.

In this article, we will explain how to evaluate forex robot providers and developers by looking at the key areas that should be considered when assessing their ability to deliver reliable automated trading software.

With this information, you can decide whether a provider/developer can match your automated trading expectations and requirements.

a forex chart on a mobile device

The Importance Of Selecting A Reliable Forex Robot Provider

The importance of selecting a reliable Forex robot provider cannot be overstated. A trustworthy provider or developer offers a dependable and efficient trading system enabling traders to maximize their profits while minimizing risks. By diligently evaluating a provider’s track record, credibility, and user reviews, traders can ensure they are making a well-informed decision on whether an automated trading system will be reliable.

Furthermore, a reputable forex robot provider continuously updates and optimizes their software to adapt to changing market conditions, offering an edge in a highly competitive landscape. Selecting a reliable provider is paramount to achieving consistent trading success and future-proofing your automated trading system.

Six critical areas need researching for comprehensive due diligence on the forex robot developer, and we will now look at each in detail.

1. Reputation

The reputation of a Forex robot provider or developer is a critical factor. You must research and understand how a particular provider is perceived in the market. Analyzing multiple sources for information about an EA developer can help traders make informed decisions before working with their automated software.


Online reviews are one of the most significant sources of information when evaluating a forex robot provider. Trading forums, social media platforms, and independent review websites are all valuable sources of online reviews when assessing a provider’s track record and experience.

Reviews can be found on industry-specific websites like Forex Peace Army (FPA) and social media platforms like Twitter and LinkedIn. It is worth noting that reviews from trusted industry sources like FPA are often more accurate than those from third-party websites.

It is also important to note that reviews and testimonials from the developers themselves on their websites should be taken with a grain of salt – some may be exaggerated or even fictitious.

When considering a provider’s reputation, it may be beneficial to speak directly with their existing customers or even contact them via their website or social media accounts to gain further insight into their service quality.

trader on a phone in front of a screen speaking with the robot developer

Customer Testimonials

Customer testimonials provide valuable insight into the experiences of previous customers, as well as opinions about the quality of services offered by the robot provider/developer.

Testimonials are typically offered directly to the provider from previous customers, providing insight into their satisfaction with the product or service. It allows an insight into what others have experienced working with them and can give prospective purchasers of the forex robot, also known as an EA, or expert advisor valuable information on which they can rely while selecting a reliable provider.

It is essential to evaluate customer testimonials for authenticity and relevance and use them as part of your broader research, not in isolation.

Track Record and Expertise

To accurately assess the reputation of a forex robot provider, potential users of the robot software should look at its track record and expertise. Your research should include the following:

  1. The number of years the provider or developer has been in the industry
  2.  Do they have a broader portfolio of successful products and not just one stand-alone forex robot
  3.  Do they appear to have a significant user/customer base
  4.  Are there live or demo accounts available to view on respected monitoring sites like MyFXBook or FX Blue

It is essential to ensure that the provider/developer appears to understand the markets well and are equipped with the necessary tools and strategies for successful trading.

Social Media Presence

Social media can provide further insight into the level of engagement and expertise the provider or developer has with their customers. It can also gauge customer satisfaction with the product or services offered.

Feedback on platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram can accurately represent how traders feel about their experience with the forex robot provider. These reviews may include comments on customer service, product quality, reliability, and overall satisfaction with the company.

Furthermore, some providers may have active forums where traders can interact with each other and share their experiences. This allows them to ask questions and get feedback from real people who have had direct experience with a particular forex robot provider.

Analyzing this type of data helps forex traders avoid mistakes and decide with certainty which FX robot provider is best suited for their needs.

2. Performance

Backtesting is a critical component of evaluating an EA provider or developer, as it provides a way to analyze a strategy’s performance over time.

Live trading results can also be used to assess the viability of a forex robot developer, as they provide a glimpse into the actual performance of its strategy in real-time market conditions. Both backtesting and live trading results should be considered when evaluating a forex robot developer.

Careful consideration should be given to both to ensure the strategy’s efficacy.

forex chart showing high performance growth


Backtesting establishes the historical performance of an automated trading system, allowing potential users to assess the strategy’s consistency and suitability for their own needs. The robot developer typically provides backtesting data. To confidently determine this date, you should consider the following.

  • To accurately assess backtested results, it is essential to consider the length of the backtesting period, the quality of the historical data used, and whether or not there was consistency in performance over that period.
  •  Longer backtesting periods are generally more reliable than shorter ones, as they offer a larger sample size to conclude; however, this also depends on how up-to-date and accurate the historical data is. Quality data should be free from biases or errors that could negatively impact backtested performance.
  •  Evaluating for consistency means looking for patterns in past performance that can be applied to future trades with some degree of confidence.

Live Trading Results

Live trading results are another critical factor when assessing potential Expert Advisors. Users should consider verified trading accounts that provide real-time performance tracking to evaluate this. It allows them to determine the bot’s risk-reward ratio and drawdown over time. MyFXBook and FX Blue are the leading monitors of verified trading accounts, and all reputable forex robot developers should offer evidence of, at the minimum, demo trading on these platforms.

It is also essential to understand how well the forex robot has performed in real-world market conditions as opposed to just backtesting data. Live trading results should be tracked over a period of time sufficient enough to generate meaningful data, such as at least a few months or longer.

Additionally, it is essential to review the trading system for any unexpected changes that could affect its performance over time, such as algorithm or setting changes. By conducting these assessments, users can more accurately evaluate the viability of a forex robot before investing their capital.

a forex trader looking at a chart

3. Customizability And Compatibility

In this section, we look at critical areas that you should consider regarding the customizability and compatibility of the forex trading software, so you have certainty the forex robot will meet your trading needs.

Installation Ease

The complexity of the installation process can have a direct impact on the user’s perception of the product, as well as their overall satisfaction with the experience.

A user-friendly interface should be easy to install without requiring extensive technical knowledge or lengthy setup times. It should also be compatible with various trading platforms and allow for the customizability of settings to suit individual needs. Ideally, those looking into automated trading solutions should seek out systems that offer an intuitive installation process with minimal effort required from the user.

Having a quick and straightforward installation process increases the chances of users being able to take advantage of the system sooner rather than later, which can often mean more profitable trades in the long run. Furthermore, compatibility with popular trading platforms such as MetaTrader 4 and 5 can ensure forex traders enjoy seamless integration between their account and the robot provider’s system.

Customizable Settings

Customizable settings are vital when selecting a forex robot provider/developer. The ability to adjust the system’s parameters to suit individual trading styles and risk appetites is essential to maximize profits while minimizing losses.

Settings that can be customized include trade size, entry and exit points, stop-loss levels, position sizing, and risk-reward ratios. Furthermore, having the ability to intervene manually on trades can offer users greater control over their accounts, allowing them to make adjustments as needed.

The customization of settings should also extend beyond just parameters – user interfaces should also be customizable to create an experience tailored to each trader’s needs. It includes being able to customize themes for the UI as well as setting up personalized alerts for when certain conditions are met or exceeded.

These customization elements allow users to get the most out of their trading systems by ensuring they have the information needed at their fingertips.

Customizable settings are an essential part of creating a successful automated trading solution. Providers and developers who consider user preferences and offer options for customizing their systems accordingly stand to gain a competitive edge in the rapidly evolving FX market.

Platform Compatibility

In addition to being able to customize settings, another vital factor to consider when selecting an EA provider or developer is compatibility with various trading platforms. It ensures that traders can integrate their system with their preferred platform and access the data necessary for successful automated trading.

Many providers offer proprietary software that can be easily integrated with existing platforms, while others may provide open-source solutions that can be used on any platform.

Platforms such as MetaTrader4 and cTrader are popular choices for automated forex trading due to their user-friendly interfaces and extensive features. These platforms allow users to track performance in real time, create customized strategies and indicators, automate trades using Expert Advisors, and access comprehensive market analysis tools – all of which can help traders make informed decisions quicker.

As such, having a system compatible with these platforms is essential for ensuring success in automated trading. In addition, switching between different trading platforms can also provide traders with greater flexibility when it comes to executing trades. It allows them to take advantage of the best features offered by each platform without sacrificing performance or access to data.

Consequently, compatibility with multiple trading platforms should be considered when evaluating automated trading solutions.

4. Software Updates and Optimization

It is crucial that a developer continually updates and optimizes their forex robot software. Without this, the algorithm may stop working, become outdated, or be less efficient.

A proficient EA developer will provide regular software updates to users of its software. You can assess how often software is being updated by looking at the robot website, where a reputable provider will offer information regarding updates and performance.

Developers that never update their software should be avoided as it comes across that they are happy to take your money without doing the additional work to provide value for their service.

a forex trader looking at software

5. Customer Support And Assistance

Communication Channels

When investing in a forex robot, you must evaluate the available customer support and assistance options. One such option is the communication channels offered by the EA provider or developer.

It is essential to consider the types of communication channels, their speed, the quality of responses, and their multilingual support capabilities.

Email, phone, and live chat are typical communication channels that most robot developers offer. All these channels should have a fast response rate and provide clear answers to user questions.

EA Providers should offer multilingual support to cater to users worldwide speaking different languages. Providers prioritizing customer service and ensuring that they are easily accessible can foster trust with users; such providers also demonstrate their commitment to delivering high-quality automated trading software.

Educational Resources

In addition to communication channels, customer support and assistance should include educational resources and guidance. These materials can help users understand the product or service better and use it more effectively:

  • User manuals provide a comprehensive overview of how the product works and how to use it.
  •  Video tutorials can be used to showcase specific features or functions in a visual way that is easier for some people to understand.
  •  Webinars and workshops offer an interactive experience where traders can ask questions directly and get immediate expert answers.
  •  An FAQs section provides quick answers to common questions without needing user input.

All these resources help create a more knowledgeable user base better equipped to take advantage of the automated software offered.

forex developer screen with code

The quality of support and assistance

An under rated aspect of what makes a competent developer able to provide first class automated trading software is the level support and assistance available.

  • Does the developer offer 24/7 support
  • What is the response time
  • Will the developer act upon feedback and recommendations
  • Will you get support implementing the software with your strategy

These are all questions that you should be considering. If you buy a forex robot are you confident that you will get full aftercare and support on an ongoing basis?

6. Pricing And Refund Policy

Many forex robot providers/developers offer a money-back guarantee for users wishing to return their purchases.

Some also often offer a trial period for users to test the product before committing to a purchase. Such trials may also include using a demo version of the software, allowing users to familiarize themselves with the product and its features.

The trials and demos are beneficial for traders to understand the product and gauge its suitability for their needs.

Pricing Model

When conducting an evaluation, pricing models should be taken into account. The pricing model adopted by the provider/developer will provide insight into a given software’s associated costs and potential profitability.

Pricing models may include subscription fees, one-time fees, or a combination of both. Additionally, some vendors may offer special discounts or promotional offers, which should be considered when evaluating.

It is important to note that different pricing models may suit different trading styles and strategies. Thus, it is essential to consider which model best suits individual needs to maximize profits and minimize losses.

Money-Back Guarantee

You should pay attention to the refund policy and trial period the forex robot provider offers.

  • An attractive money-back guarantee can be an indication of a provider’s faith in the product, as well as a customer’s assurance of satisfaction.
  •  Money-back guarantees typically require customers to return the product within a certain period and meet certain conditions, such as not exceeding a specified number of trades.
  •  Many EA providers offer a trial period for customers to evaluate the product before purchasing. It can help ensure that customers are satisfied with the robot’s performance before committing to it.
  •  It is essential to read the terms and conditions carefully to ensure all parties understand their obligations before agreeing.

Trial Period And Demo Versions

A trial period allows users to evaluate the product before making their purchase decision, helping them ensure that they are satisfied with the robot’s performance.

Demo versions allow users to become familiar with the FX bot’s features and functions without committing money or resources. They provide a risk-free way to test potential strategies and decide whether they suit their trading needs.

Additionally, demo versions can be used as a training tool to become more comfortable with trading in general before beginning live trades with real capital.

It is crucial to carefully read the terms and conditions to understand any obligations before agreeing.

Final Thoughts

The evaluation of forex robot providers and developers requires thorough analysis. Reputation, update frequency and performance are paramount. It is also essential to consider the provider’s experience in the forex market and ensure they have an up-to-date version of their robot and a demo version for potential users to test before buying. Look for any hidden fees associated with the robots and before making a payment do ensure the website and payment system are secure.

All these elements should be considered when evaluating forex robot providers and developers to ensure the robot you choose meets your trading expectations and is an asset, not a liability, to your broader forex trading system.

Good luck with your trading endeavours!

Mike and the guys at Forex Robot Planet – The A to Z of forex robot trading software

Frequently Asked Questions

What Experience Does The Provider/Developer Have In The Forex Market?

Determining the experience of a forex robot provider/developer is critical for evaluating their capabilities.

Experience in the forex market will be demonstrated by the time they have provided services, their successful track record, and sometimes, any awards or recognition they may have received.

Sometimes, providers of professional organizations or associations may also provide valuable insight into their qualifications.

How Regularly Does The Provider/Developer Update Their Robots?

Regular updates to FX robots are essential to maintain accuracy and relevance as markets and trading conditions evolve. As such, assessing the frequency of updates is an important consideration when evaluating a forex robot provider/developer.

Providers/developers must keep their robots up-to-date consistently with changes in market activity and conditions. Failing to do so can render the robot obsolete or ineffective, resulting in financial losses for users.

Are There Any Hidden Fees Associated With The Robots?

When evaluating forex robot providers/developers, it is crucial to consider any hidden fees associated with the robots.

Hidden fees can add up quickly and can significantly impact profitability. Therefore, it is essential to research whether or not there are any additional costs associated with the robot before making a purchase decision.

It is also wise to inquire about any potential future fees that may arise with the robot’s use.

By doing so, one can ensure that they are aware of all financial obligations associated with the robot and make an informed decision when selecting a provider/developer.

Is There Always A Demo Version Available Of The Robots?

It is prudent to inquire whether a demo version of the robot is available, as this is not always the case with all developers.

It can be an invaluable tool for evaluating its efficacy; through such a medium, potential users can test drive the robot’s capabilities and observe how it functions in a simulated environment.

In this way, users can gain insight into how the robot works without risking any capital and potentially making costly mistakes.

How Secure Is The Provider/Developer’s Website And Payment System?

The security of a Forex robot provider/developer’s website and payment system is paramount. Individuals looking to utilize these services should check the provider/developer’s security credentials, such as any encryption methods and payment processors they use and any reviews or testimonials from prior customers.

Additionally, individuals should research the provider/developer thoroughly to ensure their practices are legitimate and legal within the industry.